of Appreciation
Dated 5th march 2001.
AstroFortunes is a new website
that discusses specialised areas of astrology blended the
psychological research of the individual. The site aims
at tapping the hidden urge among youth to get to know more
about astrology and how it affects their life.
KHALEEJ TIMES - Weekend women,
Dated 28th Feb 1992 (Dubai
Prof. Miranda, a Research-consultant
astrology, in a continuing series will share his knowledge
of astro-psychology with the readers. He has been involved
in research projects co-relating factors in medical counselling,
compatibility and its relevance in child psychology and
of works, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur. |
Dated 21hb. Oktober 1988
Prof. Miranda has been
a better guide to astrological significance and he has brought
modern perceptions in predictive astrology of highlighting
personality traits.
Director, Primary Health Care & Consultant Dermatologist,
Department of Health & Medical Services, DUBAI. U.A.E. |
Dated 5th May, 1983
I would like to appreciate
the role of Prof. Miranda in the field of Applied Astro-psychology.
He has a scientific approach related to Horoscopic impact
on health matters especially in the field of Genetic disorders
and astro-psychology and it is this approach away from convent5ional
methods that makes the subject so interesting. Prof. Miranda's
role as a research consultant in Astro - psychology has
been widely recognized in other countries also. I wish him
all success.
Dr. ASHOK KUMAR, Consultant Psychiatrist,
Dubai, U.A.E. |
Dated 29th July 1987
Prof. Miranda is really
proficient in predictive psychiatric disorders in the light
of his knowledge of astrology has been astonishing and quite
helpful. I was very keen to have his association in research
projects where his assertion about patients' facts in relation
to planetary impacts would have led to a new branch "ASTRO-PSYCHOLOGY".
I wish him all success in his future plans.
Dr. V.SHANKAR M.D. Dubai, U.A.E.
Dated 8th Aug 1987
I am pleased to introduce
Prof. Miranda, one of the great astrologers that they have
come across. My association with him for the past few years,
made me to understand the correlation of Astrological predictions
with Disease pattern in my patients. His astrological predictions
gave me guidelines to investigate some of the intricate
cases mostly caused by unknown variable factors. I found
his scientific approach in the predictive medical astrology,
very interesting and very accurate in many of the people
in my association. I wish him all success.
Dr. M. NATHAR BAVA, Paediatric
consultant, DUBAI, U.A.E. |
Dated 11th Mar 1984
I am very glad to commend
Prof. Miranda's meticulous efforts to trace paediatric disorders
through Astrological investigations. He is an accomplished
expert in predictive Astrology developed through sincere
efforts and case studies. I have observed him accurately
pinpointing genetic causes and arriving correctly at diagnoses
of infectious disorders. I wish him success and due recognition
and encouragement from medical circles in his laudable and
beneficial venture.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. |
Dated 16th Nov, 1993
In recognition of meritorious
service in the field of Astrological science, it is with
great pleasure that we congratulate Prof. Miranda of India,
Research consultant and Author in Applied Astro-Psychology.
We specially thank him for his valuable speeches over broadcast
on specialised areas of Astro-Psychology covering topics
as follows.
- Scientific school of thought of Astro-Psychology.
- Matrimonial compatibility and collective
- Horoscopic impacts on health matters